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January 2012
- It’s Your Money So Take It Personally® – Excerpt – Remembering embarrassing early money lessons.
- It’s Your Money So Take It Personally® – Excerpt –Divorce and budgets and the early mindsets needed.
- It’s Your Money So Take It Personally® – Excerpt –The intrinsic value of a budget and first step to creating one.
- It’s Your Money So Take It Personally® – Book Excerpt 13 – Importance of generational wealth.
- It’s Your Money So Take It Personally® – Book Excerpt 14 – Generation lens for money: Gen Boomers, X, Y and Millennials.
- It’s Your Money So Take It Personally® – Book Excerpt 15 – Money decision triggers and building new money protocols among generations.
- It’s Your Money So Take It Personally® – Excerpt 16 – Importance of doable, incremental money goals.
- It’s Your Money So Take It Personally® – Excerpt 17 – How to approach your money game.
- It’s Your Money So Take It Personall®y – Excerpt 18 – Financial calendar to-do-list.
February 2012
- Credit Score. Part 1 – The numbers and how to improve them.
- Credit Score. Part 2 – 80% of credit reports contain errors; what you need to do and not do.
- Credit Score. Part 3 – How secured credit cards can help your credit score.
- Back to basics – you can’t spend more than you make.
- How to figure out your monthly budget.
- How to teach children money smart skills? Make it fun and mental.
- Money basics: treat your money like oxygen – you need it to survive.
- Money basics: an exercise on how to ease anxiety before dealing with money issues.
- Money basics: how relieving stress fortifies your confidence about handling personal money.
March 2012
- Understanding that money management is a marathon not a race.
- How the game of golf and money smarts are related.
- Benefits of combining fiscal fitness and physical fitness.
- Knowing the history of money will help you better appreciate your money’s future.
- Capitalism – what it is and why it is not a dirty word!
- Money mantras (reminders) and how they help you stay disciplined.
- Reiteration/repetition is good training and mantras help you do that.
- Mantras are prophylactics against unprotected spending.
- Social changes impact family money; different strokes for different generations.
- Family money: growing wealth versus attaining wealth quickly.
- Why lottery winners aren’t always lucky.
- Winning the lottery versus Warren Buffet: “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”
April 2012
- What you need to have before you consider investing.
- Why saving for retirement in your 20s is smart.
- Getting financially literate – incrementally.
- Money mistakes are mi$$ed takes.
- Personal money management is one of a kind yours.
- The most common money dilemma is talking about it; taboo in some cultures.
- A little humor for saving your assets.
- How to talk to our elders and parents about their money. My story.
- Long distance elder care giving. Pt 1 – How to talk about and get their important financial information.
- How to talk to elders about their money needs. Pt 1-Icebreakers.
- How to talk to elders about their money needs. Pt 2-Knowing their wishes and having their estate plan.
- How to talk to elders about their moneyneeds. Pt 3-Common denominators help.
- Why everyone needs an estate plan.
- A reverse mortgage: good for elderly parents – a challenge for some adult children.
- An estate plan offers protections you and your emotions while fulfilling your loved ones’ wishes
May 2012
- The importance of having “an accomplice” – a backup person – to help carry out your elders’ estate plans.
- Create an estate plan mindset for all generations in your family.
- Learning from an early age how to assess self-worth.
- Knowing your self-worth takes focus.
- Importance of investing in your future – incrementally.
- Teaching young children the concept of paying yourself first.
- The $10,000 question: save for retirement or your child’s education?
- Preparing financially for your retirement and your children education: save for both if possible but save for retirement if you can’t!
- Don’t beat yourself up for past money mistakes – instead, embrace a second chance money mindset.
- The importance of talking finances before becoming a fiancée.
- Wedding bells should ring some financial bells and conversation.
- Talk about money issues before marriage – or fight about them after.
June 2012
- Money characteristics that are shared by women.
- The importance of couples being of the same economic mindset.
- How the lack of money understanding gets magnified in relationships.
- Love and marriage/committed relationship: why being truthful about money is crucial before commingling it.
- Love and marriage/committed relationship: reveal each other’s money history before getting married – tough but necessary.
- Love and marriage/committed relationship: importance of knowing what kind of saver you are.
- What do couples need to know about money to make it work for them.
- Shifts in thinking about money as you consider marriage.
- Couples and household money contributions.
- Term life insurance and why/how it protects your family.
- Money and divorce: the importance of pre-marital counseling about money.
- Facing divorce: set and understand your personal end goal.
July 2012
- Adjusting and adapting to money issues after divorce.
- Maintaining your own financial identity before and during marriage – helps if there’s a divorce.
- Three important questions a young couple should ask an attorney before they get married; and the most overlooked tax issue.
- Estate planning mindset needed for young couples or divorcing couples. An estate planning attorney answers.
- How to transfer assets in a second marriage if you have children from a previous relationship. An estate planning attorney answers.
- Plans. Part 1 – What they are and what they do.
- A story about early money education: who is responsible and what responsibility is.
- A story about the importance of teaching small children the difference between wants and needs.
- How to use everyday tasks to teach kids the importance of numbers.
- Children and allowances. Part 1 – Why they can be beneficial.
- Children and allowances. Part 2 – To give or not to give and how to compensate ‘tweens (kids 8-12).
- Rites of passage as children age – should include money lessons and warnings.
August 2012
- Tweens 8-12 year olds Part 1: Why they’re not ready to make responsible money choices.
- Tweens 8-12 year olds Part 2: Cell phones
- Tweens 8-12 year olds Part 3: Why it’s important that they earn an income.
- Tweens 8-12 year olds. Part 4 – Why monthly family money meetings are good.
- The presumptive (entitled) money mindset of many college students.
- Teens and plastic – a prime example of unprotected spending and potential bad habits for younger siblings.
- All credit cards are not bad for college students; take a look at prepaid cards.
- Prepaid cards are good for controlling spending but beware of their fees.
- Money issues among family members can forever alter relations – so encourage a thrifty, meaningful money mindset for your children.
- Money, rites of passage and coming of age – responsibilities.
- Good debt versus bad debt: student loans are good debt, credit cards are bad debt.
- A young person’s personal money story and how they worked to recover.
September 2012
- A young person’s personal money story and recovery from debt.
- A young person’s personal money story and the structure she set up to maintain her recovery.
- Why a budget must be your new best friend; how to create one easily.
- Why getting a budget helps you get a grip on debit and credit card use and debt.
- Parents to adult kids: credit card debt realities.
- Ground rules for boomerang adult kids returning home.
- Rules of engagement for parents with boomerang adult kids coming home.
- My personal story about finding unclaimed money. Pt 1.
- My personal story about finding unclaimed money. Pt 2.
- My personal unclaimed assets story: college memories about “emotional” assets add up.
- My personal unclaimed assets story: how I got 100 shares of stock and stock racism experiences.
- My personal unclaimed assets story: the value of “owning your experiences”.
- Sharing personal money experiences – how easy it is to forget assets from early life.
- What 20-somethings need to have before investing and how dollar-cost averaging is a good way to start.
- Military families and money management.
October 2012
- Military money matters: 2003 legislation regarding active service and unique.
- Why former Moneyline host Lou Dobbs is a financial asset in my career.
- The story of Madam C.J. Walker, America’s first black millionaire.Nocember
- The story of Madam C.J. Walker – the first African-American millionaire.
- A story about spending wisely and saving wildly.
- Tips on getting an authentic, sustainable financial life plan.
- Why young adults need to look at retirement planning as having financial foresight.
- 30-39 years of age = the fourth decade of life and new money decisions.
- Right-sizing can be a huge asset for baby boomers..
- Family transitions reveal family emotional assets.
- Discuss elder money management when everyone’s healthy.
- How to have financial “what-if” conversations with elderly parents.
November 2012
- How to have a conversation with elders about their money management and needs. Pt 2.
- Entrepreneur versus intrapreneur – valuing the differences.
- Entrepreneur versus intrapreneur – encore career mindset.
- A growing trend with value: universities offering classes for elders.
- An elder’s story and legacy: founder of the first senior center in the world.
- Elders and very young children: good companions with very different needs. And the first inter-generational centers.
December 2012
- The money implications when you become suddenly single through divorce or widowhood.
- Dealing with the bureaucracy related to the death of a loved one.
- The business of death and dying: heal emotionally before tackling the bureaucracy of your loved ones’ estate.
- Geriatric specialists. Pt 1. An important member of your elder care support team.
- Geriatric specialists. Pt 2. The services they offer.
- Geriatric specialists. Pt 3. Provide help following the death of a loved elder.
- Handlidng the business of death after the loss of a loved one: geriatric specialist; elder care attorney; importance of having an end of life checklist
- Having your end of life wishes made known – it takes some work; here’s what’s needed.
- Divorce. You’re suddenly single. What’s your money plan?
- Divorce and money. Tax attorney’s basic advice; separation and recalculating money rules.
- Divorce and money. Redefining financial relationships – you must got there; a psychologist’s advice.
- Divorce and money. Separated and considering divorce – talk rules new money rules.