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December 2014
- Women business owners. Pt 9 – Know your funding options.
- Women business owners. Pt 8 – Recalculate your business’s growth potential by seizing opportunities.
- Women business owners. Pt 7 – Your company’s financial team.
- Women business owners. Pt 6 – The only number that matters.
- Women business owners. Pt 5 – CEO duties.
- Women business owners. Pt 4 – CEO safety net is the CFO.
- Women business owners. Part 3 – State of personal money impacts the business.
- Women business owners. Part 2 – What should be in your strategic plan.
- Women business owners. Part 1 – Have a personal goal and an exit strategy.
- Diversity bottom line – workplace should look like a quilt.
- Diversity bottom line – how women see it and use it.
- Diversity bottom line – celebrate differences.
- Diversity bottom line – workplace should look like a quilt.
- Diversity bottom line – how women see it and use it.
- Diversity bottom line – celebrate differences.
November 2014
- Credit scores. Pt 2 – where to get your score for free
- Credit scores. Pt 1 – what’s in that number.
- Medical identity theft. Pt 3 – How to protect yourself.
- Medical identity theft. Pt 2: The other danger.
- Medical identity theft. Pt 1: What it is and how much it costs victims.
- Identity theft. 3 important steps if it happens to you.
- What not to do when making financial transactions on your mobile device and how to cyber proof it.
- Online end-of-life resources.
- The importance of women being financially smart. Conclusion: Affirmations.
- Importance of women being financially smart. Pt 6. What to do from this day forward.
- Importance of women being financially smart. Pt 5. What to do starting today.
- Importance of women being financially smart. Pt 4. The basics.
October 2014
- Importance of women being financially smart. Pt 3 – Why our money must last longer
- Importance of women being financially smart. Pt 2 – Why we must be money smart and stay that way for life
- Importance of women being financially smart. Pt 1 – Mindset needed
- What money knowledge college-age young adults should have
- What money knowledge kids should have by age 18
- What money knowledge kids should have by age 13
- Why parents must get over fears of money talks with kids
- What drives financial behavior among college students?
- Age appropriate money knowledge for young children
- Young people call financial literacy – financial intelligence
- What colleges should focus on to help students become financially smart
- Why being financial intelligent helps college graduation rates
September 2014
- Suggestions on how to start building a financial life
- When to start teaching children about financial responsibility
- A list of what not to post on social media – too much information can cost you dearly
- Ways to save money by thinking basic
- Small changes that add up to big savings
- Challenges for family owned businesses
- Inspirational thoughts for increasing money-mindfulness
- Jumpstart retirement savings automatically in your 20s
- History of 401k plans and how they work
August 2014
- Knowing the difference between saving and investing
- How to pay down debt and save money at the same time
- The new microchip credit card
- Strategic ways to pay for college
- How to go on a spending fast. Pt 1
- How to go on a spending fast. Pt 2
- Money and marriage – what to do before saying I do. Pt 1
- Money and marriage – what to do before saying I do. Pt 2
- Money and marriage – what to do before saying I do. Pt 3
- Start talking to kids about money around the age of three
- How to have conversations with your kids about wants and needs
- Get kids banking on the future – talk about the importance of saving
- First step towards building personal wealth
- Definitions of basic money words
- A list of money intentions to keep you on track
July 2014
- The Boomer affect is changing the makeup of American families
- Money matters when marrying later in life
- Age 50 and older Americans have assets
- Rebuilding credit
- Secured credit cards have lots of advantages
- Credit scores and what impacts them – good and bad
- Tips for saving money when traveling
- Funerals scams and the Funeral Rule
- Compare big banks, small ones and credit unions and two tips on credit scores
- Debit cards. Pt 1 – do the math regularly
- Debit cards. Pt 2 – how to use them wisely
- Debit cards. Pt 3 – basics to remember
June 2014
- Non-intimidating ways to get a financial life
- Reminders about identity theft scams
- What’s in your wallet – copy everything
- Credit scores – know what hurts them and how to improve them
- Gifts that are deposits into your emotional bank account
- Rules for working from home
- Q and A on frequently asked money questions. Pt 1
- Q and A on frequently asked money questions. Pt 2
- Q and A on frequently asked money questions. Pt 3
- A quiz to test money smart kids. Pt 1
- A quiz to test money smart kids. Pt 2
- A quiz to test money smart kids. Pt 3
- Quiz kids to test their money skills. Pt 1
- Quiz kids to test their money skills. Pt 2
- Quiz kids to test their money skills. Pt 3
- Things to keep in mind when looking for a financial advisor
- What to do with retirement savings when switching jobs
- What to keep in mind when looking for a financial advisor
- Women and work and family – sometimes a cloudy view
May 2014
- Family-owned businesses. Pt 1 Impressive stats but succession plan
- Family-owned businesses. Pt 2 Biggest challenge to keep them in the family
- Family-owned businesses. Pt 3 Importance of discussing and formulating a succession plan
- History of retirement. Pt – 2 From concept to IRAs to Simpson-Bowles
- History of retirement. Pt 1 – From concept to IRAs
- Retirement realities – for our Gen XY kids
- Money tips for pet owners
- Retirement. Pt -1. Disciplines needed
- Retirement. Pt-2. After divorce and health concerns
- Tips for saving money if you have a family pet
- Lupus Awareness Month 2014
- Women and heart attacks. Pt-1. Do you know the signs – different than men
- Women and heart attacks. Pt-2. Symptoms different – don’t dismiss as heartburn
April 2014
- The world’s easiest savings plan.
- What to do before giving your teen a credit card.
- Why saving for retirement in your 20s is smart.
- Beware of con artists pretending to be the IRS.
- Rebate game. Pt 1 – How do they work?
- Rebate game. Pt 2 – Rebate or bait and switch?
- The connection between financial and physical health – know the numbers.
- Recently widowed. Pt 1 – Taxes and household money.
- Recently widowed. Pt 2 – Documents to gather.
- Identity theft: reminders on how to protect yourself from it.
- Millennials in the workforce – who are they and how do they work?
- Time shares – the dollars and making sense of the deals.
March 2014
- Things to keep in mind when choosing a financial advisor.
- Saving money even during hard times.
- Non-intimidating ways to get a financial life.
- Older Americans and compulsive gambling.
- Worried about outliving your money? Calculate when to take SS benefits.
- Suggestions on creative ways to save when you travel.
- Baby boomers caring for elderly parents.
- Creative ways to save money. Pt 2
- Creative ways to save money. Pt 1.
- No refund check from the IRS is the goal.
- Figuring out how much to withhold from your paycheck.
- Putting a special plan in place for a family member with special needs.
- Easy savings tips for single parents
- Ways to Save Loose Change
- March is Women’s History Month: Accountability regarding family money
February 2014
- Importance of teaching kids money manners – early
- Teaching your teen the value of having a budget aka spending plan
- Talk to your teen about getting a part-time job and why it matters
- Deeply in debt, go on a spending fast
- A family plan for financial literacy
- Going green at home puts money in your wallet
- Black History Month – Black is beautiful but why being IN the black is important (1)
- Black History Month – What families must do to educate our children about money
- Your passion and the money to afford it. Financial re-invention values (1)
- Special needs children and money Pt 3 – Special Needs Trust Details
- Special needs children and money Pt 2 – Special Needs Trust Basics
- Special needs children and money Pt 1 – Importance of parents doing estate planning
January 2014
- Save Money Grocery Shopping – Pt 2 (1)
- Save Money Grocery Shopping – Pt 1
- Widowhood and money decisions
- Family money rules and philanthropy (1)
- Family money rules and philanthropy
- Age 25 – A million dollars by age 65
- The Difference between entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs
- How what you don’t know can hurt you financially
- Intrapreneur core qualities
- Knowing if you have enough money to retire – it takes discipline
- Important to know what kind of saver you are
- How to maximize the gas in your tank